Return/Exchange or Refund

As per the company Policy of “Nevermore Trade”, customer is priority & we are resolute to give them the best product at the best price with the best customer service. You can always return an item within 2 days after delivery if you are somehow not happy with the purchase. Please write to us about the return within 36 hrs of delivery.

But before you place a return order, we would like to inform you that each item goes through a stringent quality check process before they are dispatched.
Still if you are not happy with the purchase, you can return the product through our courier partner but the charges will be debited to you. Please ensure that the returned item is unused, not damaged & in saleable condition with original packing & tags. Pack them safely & securely to prevent any loss of damage during transit.

Nevermore trade will not be able to refund your money on the below situations –
1. In case of minor design, size, shape, color variations.
2. If courier company fails to reach you after 3 attempts because of wrong address or phone number provided during check out.
3. If the delivery is refused by the recipient.
4. If the product is received at our warehouse in used or damaged condition.
5. If there is no return email within 36 hours of delivery.
6. If items are in your custody for more than 2 days after delivery.

You can request for a refund once you have sent the item in good condition through courier. You will be charged only for the courier amount.

Nevermore trade reserves the right to decide on the refund amount after receipt of the item.

Once we receive the item & agree that it is in saleable condition, refund will be processed by our bank which might take 10-15 working days to reach your account.